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How much will my club make?

Everything depends on how many members your club has. Small clubs can earn hundreds whilst larger clubs can earn thousands. Download our EARNINGS CALCULATOR HERE >>> here to find out how much your club can potentially earn. 

How do we get started?

Clubs that want to receive a cash injection into their club will have a consultation with Maranovo. Thereafter, we will assign your club’s very own private page where logins and passwords will be provided. Inside, all parents, guardians and club staff can upload photos for the book with additional information. GET STARTED HERE  >>>

How long does the process take?

We work on a 14-day to 21-day turnaround. These times all depend on how quickly clubs and parents can upload content to us.

What sizes are the books?

All our footy annuals are A4 size. 

What is the quality like?

All our footy annuals and books are of stunning quality. They are the same – and sometimes better – than the big professional club annuals. All the inner pages are full-colour (except where black & white are uploaded) and in a beautiful gloss finish.

Is it really true that these books don’t cost clubs any money?

Clubs don’t actually buy their own books. They can certainly order a batch if they want, but for the main part, it’s the parents, guardians and family members who purchase the books and annuals. So, in all, it doesn’t cost the club a single penny to have their own official club book/annual.

We are a new club and don’t have much content. How can we have a book without content?

Clubs never need to worry about content. As long as the parents can provide the photos, we have everything else covered. See the question below…

What will be in our book?

Maranovo have produced an array of educational football content for young members. Inside our books, we have exclusive quotes and valuable content from players such as Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo and so many more top names in the game. Your child/club member will be in a proper footy book alongside such big names. All Maranovo needs is the photos of your club’s members.

When do we receive our money?

Once the books have been dispatched (usually 14 to 21 days), we will have an exact count. Funds are then sent directly into the club’s bank account.

Will you sponsor our club?

Every club that we produce books for has the opportunity to be sponsored by us. This is one of the reasons why we run this platform. We want to help as many clubs as possible. Maranovo and your club can look at what you need and if the figures are matched then we can look at several ways where we might sponsor a club.

*More questions coming shortly…

Maranovo - The ultimate football book company that raises money for clubs